The Midterms Are Calling

When women
vote, we win.

Ahead of the 2022 midterms, Supermajority is laser focused on winning in five key states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. Why? Because these five states are critical to creating a government and a country that works for women.

Become a

Fighting for gender and racial equality is hard and emotional work – that’s why you shouldn’t have to do it alone. We created a FREE membership community, so that you can make a difference alongside millions of women who GET IT and GET YOU.

Dr. Diana K. Lockwood, CT

“Supermajority changed my life, my perspective, and gave me a community of other women who joined me as allies in my goal to dismantle the patriarchy in science textbooks to include stories about women.”

Farah Delance Linot, NY

I love being a part of Supermajority. I feel strong and powerful. Supermajority helped me unlock my potential as a woman. I learned how to take action and speak for the voiceless. Supermajority supports and promotes my efforts in the women’s empowerment movement.

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*By submitting your email address you consent to joining Supermajority as a member or affirming your membership. You’ll have access to exclusive updates, actions, and a community working for the same future you are. You can opt out at any time.

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Parent activism
and hard holiday

Ahead of the 2022 midterms, Supermajority is laser focused on winning in five key states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan.

What are the
Majority Rules

Ahead of the 2022 midterms, Supermajority is laser focused on winning in five key states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. Why? Because these five states are critical to creating a government and a country that works for women.

Rule 1

Our lives are safe.

Rule 2

Our bodies are

Rule 3

Our work is valued.

Rule 4

Our families are

Rule 5

Our government
represents us.

Experiences of women, particularly women of color, are front and center in addressing all of our nation’s challenges.

The latest


Superwomen Wednesday

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Superwomen Wednesday

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum dolor magna, feugiat id massa ac, mattis tincidunt elit.

© 2025 Supermajority Education Fund